
Web Deploy with MonoDevelop 2.0

例えば、NTropy を MonoDevelop で Apache + mod_mono 環境に配置する場合。


開発ユーザー: sta、配置先: /opt/mono/www/ntropy とした場合

$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/mono/www/ntropy
$ sudo chown sta /opt/mono/www/ntropy

Web 配置設定

MonoDevelop メニューから プロジェクト > オプション > 配置 > Web配置ターゲット を選択し、追加 ボタンを押下。配置先情報を入力する。


「aspnetdb.sqlite」は、Membership で使用する SQLite DB ファイル(NTropy では使用していないが)。

ちなみに、プロパティ > 配置 > include in deploy にチェックを入れると、「aspnetdb.sqlite」は「bin」ディレクトリ配下に配置された。

Web 配置実行

プロジェクト > Webに配置... を選択し、配置 ボタン押下。


$ sudo chown -R :www-data /opt/mono/www/ntropy
$ sudo chmod -R g+w /opt/mono/www/ntropy/App_Data

Apache 設定

<VirtualHost *:80>
  Include ./sites-available/include/ntropy
ServerName www.ntropy.home
ServerAdmin web-admin@www.ntropy.home
DocumentRoot /opt/mono/www/ntropy
# MonoServerPath can be changed to specify which version of ASP.NET is hosted
# mod-mono-server1 = ASP.NET 1.1 / mod-mono-server2 = ASP.NET 2.0
# For SUSE Linux Enterprise Mono Extension, uncomment the line below:
# MonoServerPath www.ntropy.home "/opt/novell/mono/bin/mod-mono-server2"
# For Mono on openSUSE, uncomment the line below instead:
MonoServerPath www.ntropy.home "${MONO_HOME}/bin/mod-mono-server2"

# To obtain line numbers in stack traces you need to do two things: 
# 1) Enable Debug code generation in your page by using the Debug="true" 
#    page directive, or by setting <compilation debug="true" /> in the 
#    application's Web.config
# 2) Uncomment the MonoDebug true directive below to enable mod_mono debugging
MonoDebug www.ntropy.home true

# The MONO_IOMAP environment variable can be configured to provide platform abstraction
# for file access in Linux.  Valid values for MONO_IOMAP are:
#    case
#    drive
#    all
# Uncomment the line below to alter file access behavior for the configured application
#MonoSetEnv www.ntropy.home MONO_IOMAP=all
# Additional environtment variables can be set for this server instance using 
# the MonoSetEnv directive.  MonoSetEnv takes a string of 'name=value' pairs 
# separated by semicolons.  For instance, to enable platform abstraction *and* 
# use Mono's old regular expression interpreter (which is slower, but has a
# shorter setup time), uncomment the line below instead:
# MonoSetEnv www.ntropy.home MONO_IOMAP=all;MONO_OLD_RX=1

MonoApplications www.ntropy.home "/:/opt/mono/www/ntropy"
<Location "/">
  MonoSetServerAlias www.ntropy.home
  SetHandler mono
  SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
  SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI "\.(?:gif|jpe?g|png)$" no-gzip dont-vary
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
  AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/javascript

CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined


$ sudo a2ensite ntropy

# added for monodemo, ntropy
192.168.1.x     www.monodemo.home www.ntropy.home

Apache 再起動:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart



「Web 配置実行」後、mod_mono Control Panel より www.ntropy.home > Restart Server を選択。


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